Taking Care of Yourself While Online!

Since the start of the pandemic in 2020 we have shifted to doing almost everything online! Sitting in front of the computer can be a challenge by the end of the day. Doing therapy or training online all day has taken a toll on me and I can only imagine how it has impacted others. When I am conducting a therapy session or training I always tell people to take care of themselves. 

As a trainer we need to make sure we give our trainees permission to take breaks. I love the work of Sharon Bowman with Training from the Back of the Room Virtual Edition. Below is information from her blog post about body breaks. 

 “Body-Breaks” are short quick physical movements that learners do to stretch their bodies and get more oxygen to their brains. Body-Breaks have become hugely important in virtual/remote learning environments, so I’m reposting this blog from last year – be sure to download the free Body-Breaks infographic.

Sitting motionless for extended periods of time in front of a computer screen is damaging on many levels: physically, mentally, and emotionally. On the physical level, the body becomes lethargic as blood circulation decreases. On the mental level, the brain receives less oxyge,n and the ability to remain alert and to learn decreases. On an emotional level, the lack of stimulation leads to a feeling of boredom and the learner begins looking for distractions.”

Review the full post here!

Sharon’s words make soo much sense to me and make me think about my behaviors during long online training and meetings. Attached you will find a graphic with 4 things you can do during online training or meetings! 

Let me know how it goes! 

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